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Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Apples and their significance and disadvantages with nutritional values


                  Hi Friends so today we will discuss about apple and their benefits,Apples is a decidious tree from a rose family which is 1.8 to 4.6m tall in cultivation where as in wild it is 12m tall.Usually doctors recommend to have an apple a day."AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS A DOCTOR AWAY" is a well know proverb.Apple were ranked as no 1 fruit in all articles and websites.Apples are grown thousands of years in Asia and Europe and were bought to north america by Europian settler in the 17th century and the first apple cultivated in noth america in Boston by William blaxton.Apples are grown world wide,more than 7500 cultivators are there in world wide.Apples are grown tall in we plant it from seeds

Image result for apple pic

There are 4 to 7 pollination groups in apple,based on climatic condition.
1.Group A
2.Group B
3.Group C
4.Group D
5.Group E
5.Group F
6.Group H
      Apples can be delayed from ripening up to few months by keeping them in certain temperature.Apples are generally stored in chambers with high concentration of carbon dioxide.This will prevents apple from ripening,Generally apples can be stored up to one week at home storage by keeping upto certain temperature .If we remove apples from refrigerator it continues ripening.
                    World production of apple in 2014 is 84.6 million.where as in china it is 40.9 tonnes.   
1.Apple production in china-40.9 million of tonnes
2,United states-5.2 million of tonnes
3.Poland          -3.2 million of tonnes
4.Turkey          -2.5 million of tonnes
5.Italy              -2.5 million of tonnes


 Antioxidants are disease fighters.A medium size apple contains 4 Grams of fibers.Apple contains fibre called pectin.There are several benefits and uses by having an apple a day.
1.Reduce heart problems and get healthy heart.
2.reduce cholesterol.a
3.Lower risk of diabetics.
4.Decrease diarhea and constipation.
6.Boost your immune system and detoxify your liver.
7.Lower the level of bad cholesterol.

     Apples are of two colours i.e red and is sweet another is sour in taste.About 2500 varieties are present in market but all are having similar nutrition whatever the apple colour is.Apple deserved to be called as "Nutritional food".They contain Vitamin C,B-Complex
vitamins,Phytonutrients.Dietary fiber,Minerals(Calcium,Potassium,Phosphorous).

Green Apple:

   No food will provide miraculous weight loss whereas green apple help to loss the weight little more.That does not mean that we should consume only green apple.But consuming green apple will helps to weight loss little more with same nutritional values as red apple.A person who consume three apples a day will loss weight more compare to other weight loss programs but with limitations of apple.Having more apples per day is also not good for health as it contain fairy acid.
                Food that contain fiber will helps to reduce obesity more.These foods require more chewing.When we chew more,more saliva will be produced making the food bulker and more filling.when the filling is more then we will reduce the intake of food which helps to reduce obesity of a person faster.Although apples have same nutritional value but green granny smith apple have small advantage over red apple.Green apples contain more fibers and polyphenols which contain more beneficial bacteria,The obesity person have less beneficial bacteria in their guts which can increase the metabolism risks.


Amounts per 1 cup, quartered or chopped (182g):

  • Per serving            % Value
  • Saturated fat                  0%
  • Polyunsaturated fat       0%
  • Monounsaturated fat     0%
  • Sodium2mg                   0%
  • Cholestrol0mg               0%
  • Potassium 195mg          4%
  • Carbohydrates 25.1mg  10%
  • Dietary fibers   4.4g      18%
  • Sugars 18.9g
  • Proteins 0.8g
  • Calories 95
  • Vitamin A                      0%
  • Vitamin C                      28%
  • Calcium                         0%         
  • iron                                6%
  • Total fat 0.3g                  1%

Risk of taking an apple:

     Apple seeds should not be consumed because it contains cyanide which is powerful chemical.Apples will damage teeth because of fairy acid presence.Intake of more apples through out a day is not good for health.There is a certain limit .Having apple during meal is much safer for health.
          When having an apple try to eat with peel because it contains  choromium mineral which is is impotant to help insulin action.Insulin is a harmone that regulates blood sugar.Other fruits and vegetables also helps to reduce weight in similar way ,dontworry if you don't like having an apple.Fruits and vegetables that are high in water contains more fiber which helps to reduce obesity of a person faster similar to apple.

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