Do you know why mango is a king of fruit?
Who does not like mango and who will not like to have it daily ?
During summer season in every house mango is compulsory because of its juicy and sweeter taste.Every one will have it without knowing their actual let us know.
Do you know mango is the national fruit of India along with phillipines and pakistan.
Mango is known as "King of fruits" with a juicy texture.Mango is a delicious and seasonal fruit which is grown in tropical regions.India is the largest producer of mangoes.It will produce 63% of total production of mangoes.Other major producers of mangoes are china,Mexico.Pakistan,Brazil,Indonesia and philliphes.
Mangoes are available in different sizes and shapes with yellow,orange and green colour.As the mangoes are cultivated in tropical seasons all over the world,americans enjoy the mangoes through out the year.There are nearly 1000 varieties of mangoes are available.
Species :M.Indica
Scientific name:Mangifera Indica.
Kingdom :Plantae.
Mangoes are generally sweet textured although the taste and texture of mangoes will change according to cultivators.Some have soft and pulpy texture whereas other has fiborous texture.We can make pickles with Unripen mangoes.Mangoes will take three to six months to ripen.Mango tree are grown upto 35-40 mangoes.Its flower is in white colour with five petals.Mangoes are used in several cusines.We can make milkshakes,icecreams,pickles,chutneys etc.Mango lassi is one of the most popular dish in south asia.
Nutritional facts:
Mangoes contains several nutritional values with lot of vitamins,proteins and minerals.When mango is unripen and green in colour the vitamin C content will be more.If mangoes are ripen and changes its colour to yellow or orange the the B carotene i.e Vitamin A increases.Fresh mangoes contains rich source of potassium which is important component of cell and body fluids which maintain the heart so that heart problem will be eradicated.Mangoes are rich in Phyto nutrients and also copper.
Calories 60 |
% Daily Value* | |
Benefits of mangoes:
1.Lowers cholestrol:
Mangoes contains rich source of fibers,pectins,vitamins which helps in lowering the cholestrol.The fibers and pectin present in mangoes will helps in lowering the serum cholestrol level.According to the investigation of British journal of Nutrition the mangoes have lower percentage of body fat,cholestrol and blood sugar.Mangoes will have the same effect similar to drugs.2.Helps in clearing skin:
Mangoes contains beta carotene and vitamin A which helps to enrich skin health and also helps in reducing the pimples.Beta-Carotene is a polyprotective agent which helps skin from ultraviolet rays.
3.Prevents cancer:
Mangoes contains such antioxidant properties which no other fruit or vegetables have.It contains Anti-Carinogenic effect.Mangoes contains Polyphenols,cartenoids,terpenoids etc which helps in preventing the cancer.Polyphenols which is present in mangoes helps in reliving the stress level and supress the breast cancer causing tumours according to the study in 2015.
4.Heart related problems:
Mangoes contains rich source of Beta-Carotene.The beta-carotene present in the mangoes helps in fighting against free radicals which are the main cause for causing heart problem.Mangoes also helps in reducing the body fat and cholestrol,sugar level.The more the cholestrol more is the chanses of cardio problem.
5.Boost immune system:
The vitamin C and vitamin A and caratenoids present in mangoes helps in boosting the immune system of body.
According to researchers consuming half cup of mango will helps in lowering the blood sugar level as it contains mangiferin and fiber.Mangoes leaves are also very benificial to reduce the type-2 diabetic as it contains insulin level.In olden days people will boil mango leaves inorder as it helps in reducing the diabetics level.
7.Healthy sex:
Mangoes contain Vitamin E which is very important to maintain healthy sex.Zinc which is a important mineral for male and female fertility.Vitamin E helps to reduce the sperm damage prevention .Betacarotene and vitamin E also helps in improving the sperm quality in men.
Disadvantages of mangoes:
- Ripe mangoes contains high sugar so more intake will be the reason in rising the high blood sugar levels in body.
- Excessive intake of mangoes will leads to diarrhea as it contains more fiber.
- Mangoes contains high naturals sugars which will also helps in increasing the weight.
- The peel of mangoes may cause allergy.It is not very dangerous by anaphylactic shock may occur.
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