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Thursday, 6 April 2017

Olive oil and its proven healthy benefits with nutritional values

Olive oil:

              Do you know how olive oil is used?
              Why it is considered as best oil for health?

               Olive oil is extracted from olives.It is produced by pressing the fresh olives which came from olive tree.Olive oil is cultivated in Mediterrian where olives are used more.Most chefs will use olive oil in salads,cooking,Soaps,Cosmetics etc.

                                              Image result for olive oil pic

     Family      :Oleaceae.
     Scientific  :Olea europaea.
     Native       :Meditterian Basin

                     Olive oil is a natural and safe ingredient.It is used in kitchen for dressing,cooking,salads etc.Olive oil is also used in medicines Olive oil contains monounsaturated fat which helps in decreasing anger and also in increasing physical activity.Most chefs now a days will prefer to have olive oil because of its health fact.Olive oil is a traditional crop of meditterrian where olive oil is more consumed.
                  In meditterrian region people will get lesser heart stroke as olive oil is the key ingredient which is used in cooking.Spain is the largest producer of olive oil followed by Italy and Greece.Olive oil is produced by pressing the olives.olive oil should not have more than 0.8% acidity to have flavourable characteristics.Olives are converted in to olive oil by 6000 BC and 4500 BC.An olive oil which is older than one year will taste even pleasant.Olive oil consumption will reduce the cardiovascular problem .Researches suggest that a person who will consume olive oil in small quantities per day will be low incidence of heart disease.
                   The pholyphenols which is present in olive oil will protect oxidation againt body lipids.In order to maintain LDL lower cholestrol levels we need to replace diet with saturated fatty acid foods i.e oleic acid which is present in olive oil.Having a 2 table spoon of olive oil i.e 25 grams per day will help in reducing the coronary heart disease
                  In 2014 olive oil consumption is 3.05 million tonnes through out the world.Extra virgin olive oil is mainly used for salad dressing.If olive oil is heated more then it will looses its flavour so all the chefs and other people will use olive oli in the food items which will not cook more.

Why the olive oil will looses its flavour when it is heated more?

                           When olive oil is heated above 210 degrees to 216 degrees depending on free fatty content the unwanted particles in the oil will burned,this lead to extremely worse taste.Thats why so many people doesnot like extra virgin olive oil in deep fried items.

Nutrients present in olive oil:

  •  Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acid like oleic acid (It reduces the blood sugar and increases the fat burning which helps in weight loss)and palmitoleic acid which omega-7 fatty acid (helps your body overcome inflammation).
  •  Olive oil is rich in energy.It contains 884 calories in 100 grams olive oil.
  • Olive oil has excellent lipid profiles i.e polyunsaturated fats,Monounsaturated fats,Saturated fats which is good for health.

Benefits of olive oil:

1.Heart disease:

                   Researches suggest that a person who will consume olive oil in small quantities per day will be low incidence of heart disease.Having a 2 table spoon of olive oil i.e 25 grams per day will help in reducing the coronary heart disease.According to researchers in france 7625 individuals over the age 65 does not have heart disease as they are consuming olive oil for both cooking and dressing.As the people will go older the arteries will not function properly,so consuming monosaturated fatty acid food will helps in functioning the arteries thus reduce heart strokes.


                  The phytonutrients which is present in olive oil which helps in decreasing the breast cancer occurances.Eating a healthy diet with olive oil will reduce the cancer causing tumours.The cell stimulation that is caused due to cancer are partly due to toxins which was caused due to diet.On passing through liver these toxins attack DNA .Inorder to fight with this toxins ,our body needs antioxidant and nutrient which present in olive oil.

3.Type-2 diabetics:

                   Mediterrian rich style diet will reduce the type-2 diabetics according to reasearchers.It will decrease the risk of type-2 diabetics by 50%.Consuming low fat food,carbohydrates and soluble fibers will be more effective way to approach diabetics.

4.Reduce oesteoporosis:

         Oesteoporosis is a condition of fragile bone with an increased suspectibility of fracture.Olive oil consumption will increase the thickness of bone.


            Researchers of spanish suggested that consuming olive oil will reduce the depression and protect from mental illness.Intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fish and olive oil will reduces the depression level.

6.Olive oil contains large amount of antioxidants:

           Olive oil contains fatty acids.Apart from that it contains vitamin E and vitamin K.Olive oil also contains poweful antioxidants which helps to fight serious infections and diseases.Antioxidants present in olive oil will helps in preventing the cholestrol in our body so that heart disease may not occur.The antioxidants present in olive oil will have so many biological effects according to researchers.

Nutritional values of Olive oil per 100 g:

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy3,699 kJ (884 kcal)
0 g
100 g
Saturated fatty acid14 g
Monounsaturated fatty acid73 g
Poly unsaturated fatty acid
11 g0.8 g9.8 g
0 g
Vitamin E
14 mg
Vitamin K
60 μg
0.56 mg

  • Units
  • μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams
  • IU = International unit
Disadvantages of olive oil:
                       Olive oil contains excess fat.It contains 120 calories per table spoon so consuming olive oil in smaller amount is recommended.

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