Who doesn't like to have coffee?
Now a days 90% of people will consume coffee daily in the morning.It is most popular drink across the world.
Coffee is the one of the delicious drink which is loved by every youngster including old people and childrens.Coffee can be consumed in several ways i.e either hot or cold.Coffee is prepared up with roasted coffee beans.The coffee plant is native to africa.Now a days it is cultivated in several countries i.e across 70 countries.Coffee is one of the worlds largest legal agricultural export.Nearly up to 8.8 million tonnes of coffee is produced in 2014 through out the world.Coffee is best stored in air tight container like ceramic,Storage of coffee in refrigerator is not recommended as it cause deterioration,Coffee contains a very essential chemical compound known as caffeine.Nearly 40 mg of caffeine is present per 100 grams.
Coffee also contains magnesium,niacin,riboflavin and B-Vitamins.It contains polyphenols which helps in reducing the affect of free radicals.Pholyphenols levels will vary depending on how long beans will be roasted.Coffee also helps in reducing the cardiovascular problem.According to the studies conducted in 2014,a person who consumed coffee four or more per day will have lower rate of heart failures.
How coffee reduce the prostate cancer:
Researchers suggested that consuming coffee two or three cups per day may reduce the prostate cancer by 50%.Research has been done on 7000 Italian men and they found the positive result on it.The finding were then validated on laboratory.studies suggested that coffee contains a substance known as caffeine which contains the protective properties of cancer.
Maria Benedetta donati from "Institute of Research Hospitalisation and Health Care Neuromed in Italy" suggested that the observations on cancer cells allows us to say that beneficial effects were observed among the 7000 participants.Study on 7000 participants has been done nearly up to four years of duration so that they can analyse the coffee benefits.They analysed based on their coffee consumption habits and comparing them with prostate cancer causes occured during the timedz..It is most likely due to caffeine rather than the other substances that present in coffee.The study published in the international journal of cancer shed lights on this topic and it is still debated on this topic of the role of coffee and its effects and its relations on prostate cancer.We saw that their is a net reduction of 53% in than who drink coffee more than three cups per day.After testing it throughly reserchers gave conformation on the action of coffee extracts on prostate cancer.The researchers belive that the italian style of coffee making also contribute on protective effect
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