Do you know what brocolli is? How it can be used and what are its benefits?
So let us learn in detail about brocolli which looks like green flower.
Brocolli is a edible(Fit to be eaten) plant which is from cabbage family.It looks similar as cabbage with green colour whose large flowering head can be eaten raw as other fruits and vegetable.We can eat brocolli by boiling it.If your trying to healthier food then brocolli will comes in the top of the list which contains a lot of minerals and vitamins.Brocolli can be mainly used in italian foods.Roman empire used to have brocolli as unique and most valuable food.Brocolli first cultivated in 6th Century BCC.Brocolli is called as brocollo(Meaning of brocollo is Flowering crust of cabbage) in Italian country.One ounce of brocolli will have equal amount of calcium as one glass of milk.

Brocolli is very much useful for lowering the risk of Prostate cancer as it is a plant that belongs to cabbage (cruciferous)family.Mostly in men prostate cancer will occur.Brocolli contains sulforaphane which is essential dietary compound helps to lower the risk of prostate cancer.The research associate of oregan state university in us showed that treatment with sulforaphane i.e dietary compound) could normalise the levels of incRNA(Long Non-coding RNAS).
Brocolli is very much useful for lowering the risk of Prostate cancer as it is a plant that belongs to cabbage (cruciferous)family.Mostly in men prostate cancer will occur.Brocolli contains sulforaphane which is essential dietary compound helps to lower the risk of prostate cancer.The research associate of oregan state university in us showed that treatment with sulforaphane i.e dietary compound) could normalise the levels of incRNA(Long Non-coding RNAS).
Brocolli belong to same species of cauliflower whose flowering head surrounded by leaves.Brocolli is having excellent sources of Vitamin C,Vitamin K,moderate amount of Vitamin B,Dietary fibers,Minerals,Carbohydrates,Proteins.In china the cultivation of brocolli is 9.2 millions tonnes where as in india 7.9 millions tonnes.In spain 0.5 millions tonnes and in italy,0.4 millions of tonnes in mexico where as 0.4 millions tonnes of cultivation will be done.Totaly in world brocolli is having nearly 22.3 millions tonnes of production will be done in various countries.
How brocolli is grown or cultivated?
Brocolli(Cruciferous plant) is a cool season crop similar to spinach which is cultivates in spring or snow fall season.Brocolli needs full sun and moist and it can be grown in soil whose temperature should be 40 degress F.Seeds should be planted before 2 to 3 weeks of spring season.whereas in snow fall season we need to plant 85 to 100 days.For best taste we need to harvest in morning before sun rises or soil heats up.
Brocolli can be stored up to one year by blancing it.It should be frozen.We can store Brocolli up to 5 days in home by keeping in fridge in room temperature.Make sure to dry brocolli it is washed before keeping in fridge.

Whether your doctor prescribed you to have brocolli.let us knowvarious benefits of brocolli which belongs to cabbage family.Many doctors suggested by consuming fruits and vegetables will helps to reduce the risks of health condition.
Another important mineral is folate that reduce the risk of breast cancer which will mostly occur in women.It also helps many types of cancer including breast cancer,Cancer of uterus,Prostate cancer,and cancer of various internal organs like lungs,liver,kidneys and intestine.
Brocolli can be stored up to one year by blancing it.It should be frozen.We can store Brocolli up to 5 days in home by keeping in fridge in room temperature.Make sure to dry brocolli it is washed before keeping in fridge.
Whether your doctor prescribed you to have brocolli.let us knowvarious benefits of brocolli which belongs to cabbage family.Many doctors suggested by consuming fruits and vegetables will helps to reduce the risks of health condition.
Brocolli benefits:
1.Helps to reduce Bad Cholestrol level:
Brocolli is rich with fiber which helps to reduce cholestrol in our body and send it out of the body.Intake of 3/4th cup of brocolli contains the amount of fiber which is needed to maintain and reduce the cholestrol level.
2.Cancer prevention:
Brocolli is very much useful for lowering the risk of Prostate cancer as it is a plant that belongs to cabbage (cruciferous)family.Mostly in men prostate cancer will occur.Brocolli contains sulforaphane which is essential dietary compound helps to lower the risk of prostate cancer.The research associate of oregan state university in us showed that treatment with sulforaphane i.e dietary compound) could normalise the levels of incRNA(Long Non-coding RNAS).Another important mineral is folate that reduce the risk of breast cancer which will mostly occur in women.It also helps many types of cancer including breast cancer,Cancer of uterus,Prostate cancer,and cancer of various internal organs like lungs,liver,kidneys and intestine.
Brocolli is one of the best food for pregnant women as it contains various essentila nutrients i.e proteins,minerals,detoxifier,iron,calcium etc.It also contains folate content which helps and ensure baby without any birth defect,The fiber present in brocolli helps to eliminate constipation which is very much needed in pregnancy.
4.Reduces the cardiovascular problem:
In india global burden of study estimates to have 272 deaths among 100,000 people.Prevelance of disease will be irregular diet and insuficient vitamins and minerals.All this will be available in fruits and vegetables and one among them which is rich in vitamins and minerals is brocolli.The B-Complex vitamin present in brocolli will helps to reduce risk of heart problem.Intake of brocolli will also lower the cholestrol level present in bloodstream there by eliminates the blockage present in heart.There are mainly 3 B-Vitamins needed for cardivascular problem i.e Vitamin B6,Vitamin B12,Folate.As the brocolli having all these vitamins i.e Vitamin B6,Vitamin B12,Folate it helps to lower the risk of excessive homocysteine formation which is related to cardiovascular problem.
5.Eliminate Anemia.
Brocolli is also useful for anemia,Anemia is nothing but a medical condition whose red blood cells count or hemoglobin will be less than usual count present in our body.Usually in women it should be 12.0 grams/100 ml of hemoglobin is needed whereas in males 13.5 grams/100 ml of hemoglobin is needed.Brocolli helps to reduce anemia as it contain both iron and certain proteins which is needed to reduce anemia.Copper is also present in brocolli which is another mineral needed to reduce anemia along with iron .Intake of 1/2 cup of brocolli is needed daily to reduce anemia.
6.Skin,eye care:
Every women and men in this world needs glowing skin and perfect eye sight to look young and beautiful.One such vegetable i.e brocolli will help you to look young and beautiful as it contains Vitamin C,Vitamin B,Vitamin E,Beta-Carotene,Omega-3 fatty acids,Folate which is very important vitamins and minerals which helps to get glowing skin and keeps you healthy as well.Beta-carotene which is present in brocolli will helps for eyes.These will also help to repair the damage done fron sun radiants.
Side effects of Brocolli:
There are so many other benefits i.e bone health,immunity,high blood pressure etc but some care should be taken while having brocolli i.e Brocolli contains high amount of fiber which produce side effects i.e bowl irritation and gas .But no serious side effects will occur.Researches and doctors recommend to have five portions of fruits and vegetables to have inorder to stay healthy and wealthy.Wash brocolli and half broil it and enjoy your favourite food with soups and snacks but in a limited way.
Nutritional Values of Brocolli:
Nutrient Amount DRI/DV% NutrientDensity
1.Vitamin K 220.12 mcg 245 80.6
2.Vitamin C 101.24 mcg 135 44.5
3.Chromium 18.55 mcg 53 17.5
4.Folate 168.48 mcg 42 13.9
5.Fiber 5.15 g 21 6.8
6.Pantothenicacid 0.96 mg 19 6.3
7.Vitamin B6 0.31 mg 18 6.0
8.Vitamin E 2.26 mg 5 5.0
9.Manganese 0.30 mg 15 4.9
10.Phosphorous 104.52 mg 5 4.9
11.Choline 62.56 mg 15 4.9
12.Vitamin B2 0.19 mg 15 4.8
13.Vitamin A 120.74 mcg 13 4.4
14.Potassium 457.08 mg 13 4.3
15.Copper 0.10 mg 11 3.7
16.Vitamin B1 0.10 mg 8 2.7
17.Magnesium 32.76 mg 8 2.7
18.Omega-3 Fats 0.19 g 8 2.6
19.Protein 3.17g 7 2.4
20.Zinc 0.70 mg 6 2.1
21.Calcium 62.40 mg 6 2.1
22.Iron 1.05 mg 6 1.9
23.Vitamin B3 0.86 mg 5 1.8
24.Selenium 2.50 mcg 5 1.5
Brocolli is an incredibly healthy vegetable with protein and lots of antioxidants - delicious ways to prepare it. This article covers many recipes that utilize brocolli - it is an easy ingredient with loads of nutrients for health! Recipes range from soups to noodles. Italian food recipes with brocolli and other vegetables for healthier options. Italian food recipes for brocolli that include traditional recipes and some unique ones.