Do you guys know what is citrus fruit ?
why doctor recommend us to have orange to reduce cold and cough?
According to scientist an orange a day keeps the diseases away and keeps healthy.
Orange is a fruit which is of citrus species which is delicious and juicy in taste.This delicious fruit contains lot of vitamins,minerals which is very essential to lead a healthy life.Vitamin C which is present in orange will helps in allevating the symptoms of cold and cough as well as sore throat and running nose because it contain antioxidant properties which strengthens the immune system in the body.
Oranges are one of the excellent sources of vitamin C and fiber.They also contains phyto-nutrients like naringin and naringenin a group of flavoured compounds in citrus fruit.
Scientific name : Citrus sinensis.
Briefly about orange:
Orange is also known as sweet orange and citrus fruit which is having rich source of vitamin C.It is mainly cultivated in trop
ical and semitropical region.It is a ever green tree whose height is 5-8 meters tall.Oranges will be in two types one is sweet and other is bitter.Oranges were most cultivated tree in the world in the year 1987.70.9 millions of tonnes of oranges were grown world wide in 2014.The peel of orange can be used fresh or dried,It can be used in salads,desserts,icecreams and even in medical.
Tangerine are related variety of oranges.They are smaller and lesser rounded than oranges.Its taste is more sweeter than oranges,It is grown in spring and autumn season.Tangerine can be easily peeled and eaten out.

Oranges are mainly used for juice production.Being a citrus fruit orange is acidic and its ph value is 2.9 to 4.0.Orange pulp is excellent source of vitamin C which contains 64% of Daily value.Oranges contains phytochemicals.Oranges contains 85% calories with no fat,cholestrol,sodium.Oranges will help to boost the immune system and improve the skin.It also helps to reduce respiratory related problems,heart problem,cancer etc.
Oranges also work as a electrolyte when people will dehydrated.Orange is a rich source of Vitamin C,vitamin A,Dietary fibers,pectin,variety of phyto chemicals.Beta-carotene.It also contains good source of B-Complex vitamins such as thiamin,folates and also contains proteins,minerals,potassium and sodium.Oranges have 170 different phytochemicals and more than 60 flavonoids which have antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties.
According to american heart association consuming oranges and grapes will reduce the heart stroke.Those will have citrus fruit had a 19 percent lower risk of cardiovascular problem.One medium orange contains 80 calories,0% fat and 250 milligrams of potassium,19 grams of carbohydrates as well as 1 gram of protein.
Nutritional fact about of 1 medium size orange:
- Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
- Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
- Energy 49 Kcal 2.5%
- Carbohydrates 11.89 g 9%
- Protein 0.94 g 1.5%
- Total Fat 0.30 g 0.5%
- Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
- Dietary Fiber 2.50 g 6%
- Vitamins
- Folates 39 µg 10%
- Niacin 0.274 mg 2%
- Pantothenic acid 0.250 mg 5%
- Pyridoxine 0.063 mg 4.5%
- Riboflavin 0.040 mg 3%
- Thiamin 0.087 mg 7.5%
- Vitamin C 48.5 mg 81%
- Vitamin A 230 IU 8%
- Electrolytes
- Sodium 0 mg 0%
- Potassium 179 mg 4%
- Minerals
- Calcium 40 mg 4%
- Copper 39 µg 4%
- Iron 0.09 mg 1%
- Magnesium 10 mg 2.5%
- Manganese 0.023 mg 1%
- Zinc 0.06 mg 1%
Benefits of Oranges:
1.Heart problem:
Oranges contains potassium which is an electrolyte mineral responsible for functioning the heart well.If potassium intake become less in body sodium level will get increased which will cause improper rhythm in heart that leads to heart attack.Fibers and folate will keep your heart healthy.
Orange a citrus fruit contain a phytonutrient which is liminone.It helps to stimulates the detoxification system thus helps to stop cancer causing agents before it start in the body.As well as it contains vitamins and fibers which fights with tumours as it helps in developing the immune system.According to researchers the intake of citrus fruit will reduce 50 percent of death rate because of cancer and 19 percent of death rate because of heart attack.
3.Blood pressure:
According to study consuming two glass of orange juice per day will lowers the blood pressure.Orange contains folate,potassium,bioflavonoids.These nutrients helps to develop immune system and supports the immune system which will keeps you healthy.It also helps in lowering the blood pressure.
4.Kidney disease:
Consuming one glass of orange juice per day will reduce kidney diseases as well as kidney stones.People think that intake of citrus fruit will form kidney stones but not all fruits and vegetables will have same properties.Stones in kidney are formed when minerals and other nutrients will became too concentrated in urine thus forms the kidney stones.Studie shows that potassium rich citrus fruits will slow down the formation of stones in kidney.
5.Orange for skin:
We know that dirt that present in pollution will make our skin a fruit which contains more dietary fiber will helps to remove the acne from our skin.Orange contains higher amount of dietary fibers which regulates the bowel movements thus eliminating the harmful toxins from the body.Orange which is a citrus fruit will also helps in reducing acne.Oranges peel also contains antioxidant properties which can be used in many beauty products as main ingredient.
6.Reduce cholestrol:
Citrus fruit contains pectin which form a gooey mass in the body that will traps cholestrol from the body and send it out before it gets absorbed in to the blood stream.High cholestrol level leads to heart problem.In order to maintain cholestrol level we need to consume 2 or 3 citrus fruit per day.Not only pectin lowers the bad cholestrol it also helps in developing the good cholestrol which is very essential for our body functioning.
7.Eye vision:
Not only carrot helps in developing the vision to our eye,orange also helps to develop eye vison and keeps it healthy.Beta -carotene which is present in orange will help eye retina and other parts of eye to function smoothly.
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